WOTLK Fishing & Cooking Guide 1-450

Fishing and Cooking are made for one another, if you do one without the other you’ll be wishing you hadn’t later on. As with any profession, Cooking and Fishing can sometimes dig a hole in your pocket. Take a look … Continue reading

WOTLK Fishing Guide 1-450

This guide is all about getting to that fishing skill of 450 so you can start farming those fish you need no matter where they are to gain stat food or simply farm to sell for gold. Following this guide … Continue reading

WOTLK Cooking Guide 1-450

Cooking is a great secondary profession to have for a character that can greatly enhance a character’s ability to get specific stats higher for leveling, grouping, or raiding. You’ll need either meat from mobs or fish from fishing for most … Continue reading

Patch 4.1 Profession Changes

Tomorrow patch 4.1 will be released. There are lots of changes and additions to the game such as Guild Challenges, Guild Finder, Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms, and the dungeons Zul’Gurub and Zul’Aman. As for profession specific changes, there are … Continue reading