Cata AoE Grinding Spots – Cataclysm AoE Leveling

Although when this expansion was released Blizzard preferred that you follow the lore by questing and don’t sit around grinding stuff, I’ve still found a few good spots in Cataclsym for grinding.  I left out Vashj’ir because I don’t think anyone would appreciate underwater grinding so here are some of the best spots in Cata. Continue reading

WoW AoE Grinding Spots – World of Warcraft AoE Leveling

Since Cataclysm has been released and the entire old World of Warcraft was reshaped for almost every zone from 1-60 a lot of the AoE Grinding Spots were nerfed or changed.  It was Blizzards intention on removing almost all of forms of AoE leveling from the game because they wanted players to do quests and follow the storyline and lore instead. Continue reading

AoE Grinding Guide – AoE Leveling

Back in the old days it used to be only Frost Mages who could AoE Grind, but now just about every class can AoE Grind.  Having said that, this guide will work for the Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Shaman, Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Warlock, and Monk.

Some classes prefer smaller pulls while some, like the mage and protection paladin, will enjoy larger pulls.  There is something for everyone. Continue reading