Best Duo / Trio Combo for WoW Classic

So I’ve been multi-boxing since as far back as I can remember starting back in Everquest and then into World of Warcraft. Although today I’m a little bit more laid back and operate each box manually instead of with software, I’ve found there’s a few combinations that work really well for leveling and even for “soloing” some dungeons by yourself.

The Best Duo Combo I’ve found for being able to quest uninterrupted and even do some dungeons has been Hunter/Paladin although Hunter/Priest isn’t too bad.

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WoW Classic Horde Population Awful/PvP Servers Not What They Used To Be

I’ve been back playing the classic again now that it’s out and now that we are older and much “wiser”, I’m starting to see why people didn’t like PvP Servers.

However, I’m committed to playing on one even though at this point I think PvE server would be a lot more fun, the idea of a PvP server seems kind of childish and pointless to me now.

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WoW Classic Rogue Lockpicking Guide

Lockpicking is a very beneficial ability to have. During your time in the game there are going to be locked chests in instances, locked boxes dropping off mobs, or locked doors that could provide you with access to uber loot to sell on the auction house.

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