WoW Classic Horde Population Awful/PvP Servers Not What They Used To Be

I’ve been back playing the classic again now that it’s out and now that we are older and much “wiser”, I’m starting to see why people didn’t like PvP Servers.

However, I’m committed to playing on one even though at this point I think PvE server would be a lot more fun, the idea of a PvP server seems kind of childish and pointless to me now.

The concept of PvP has been further refined for more because of games like League of Legends or even the battlegrounds and arenas that exist in World of Warcraft where imminent combat is expected.

But what tends to end up happening on a PvP enabled realm is that it’s not really this awesome battle of the races but more or so stealth and surprise attacks on innocent players which now I know why people referred to that as being raped.

It’s essentially non-consensual PvP, where more than likely the victim doesn’t know what is happening until it’s too late. This is one of the downfalls of a PvP enabled game where the main focus is PvE and now with the classic server opening it’s run rampant with kids and probably adults that used to play the classic that have no honor at best and at worst they are probably sick twisted adults living in their parents basement at the age of 35 exploiting the unsuspecting.

It doesn’t help that I chose to play on a PvP server or that I am playing an alliance character where I’ve heard the horde is now 55% of the players. There are definitely better models that even World of Warcraft has created for PvP where you can play on a server and turn on/off your PvP flag which was an excellent idea.

With classic you either play all PvE or all PvP which was a serious lacking in the game release because sometimes you want to PvP and sometimes you don’t but you’d be stuck in an all or nothing model no matter which way you choose.

But I am still rather disappointed in this aspect of the classic release. It was bad then with pansy higher levels camping low level players but if it was bad then it seems to be exponentially worse now, most of the times I am finding myself questing and every few minutes someone comes by and rapes me.

I’m not even mad, I more or less just wonder about that person playing that other character, and if they are really that bored, or if they are just sick and messed up, the needless slaughtering of low level players just doesn’t seem to make much sense at my age.

How does anyone playing the classic feel about the classic so far? Feel free to leave your comments below.

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