WOTLK Enchanting 1-450

This Enchanting leveling guide will take you from 1-450. The quantities listed in the guide are best estimates so expect them to vary a bit. Enchanting is pretty expensive to power level, but most of the materials are available on the Auction House, so you can save up your gold and then spend it all in one night and have a massive Enchanting leveling party!

Use this gold guide to get cash if you don’t have any.

While you are leveling, if you have extra gold to buy vellum you can enchant it and gain skill ups as you normally would, but you can sell it on the Auction House as an enchant. If you have the gold to buy some, it sure beats grinding out on the same piece of gear over and over while you are leveling.

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WOTLK Alchemy 1-450

In this guide, I’ll help you level your Alchemy from 1-450 with as little gold as possible. Leveling Alchemy is easier than it might seem, especially with the paths in this guide. I recommend leveling Herbalism as well.

Although we try to make this as cheap as possible sometimes shit gets expensive but with this gold guide, you’ll have enough cash to make it happen.

Leveling Alchemy

Each segment below describes the best way for leveling Alchemy from one level to the next, there are other ways you might find useful for your unique situation. I excluded all vendor materials such as vials. I’ve also estimated some of the materials needed, for instance it may take anywhere between 10 & 15 crafts, so I used 10-15 in the text below.

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WOTLK Blacksmithing 1-450

Blacksmithing is a great skill to have but it relies on mining, a profession that supports Blacksmithing and can waste a lot of time. If you want to do Blacksmithing you’ll have to use Mining….unless you are smart and buy all your supplies.

This Blacksmithing Leveling Guide is aimed to help you with leveling your blacksmithing to 450, as quickly and cheaply as possible. Do yourself a favor and use this gold guide. and just buy all the mats to save time.

Each section of this leveling guide gives the optimal path along with materials needed for leveling your blacksmithing skill. Please remember, don’t sell any crafted ‘* Grinding Stones’ until you’ve confirmed they aren’t needed in future steps. I’ve also excluded blacksmithing materials that are purchased from general vendors.

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Wrath of the Lich King AoE Grinding/Leveling Guide

Back in the old days it used to be only Frost Mages who could AoE Grind, but now just about every class can AoE Grind.  Having said that, this guide will work for the Death Knight, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Shaman, Paladin, Priest, Warrior, Warlock, and Monk.

Some classes prefer smaller pulls while some, like the mage and protection paladin, will enjoy larger pulls.  There is something for everyone. Continue reading

WOTLK Jewelcrafting 1-450

This Jewelcrafting leveling guide will help you with leveling your Jewelcrafting from 1-525. Jewelcrafting is a great profession to combine with Mining due to prospecting if you’re starting a character from level one or very early on. However, we know that this is not always the case since most of the time most people are looking to power level their skill in a certain profession along with making gold for their characters.

This Jewelcrafting leveling guide will give you the knowledge to gain the skill you desire and possibly to make some gold for your character. Learn how to take advantage of jewelcrafting to make gold following this guide.

If you run into problems with finding gems for this leveling guide you can farm or buy ore and prospect that ore for gems. It is five ore for every attempt.

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WOTLK Skinning Guide 1-450

Let’s face it, Skinning can be tedious and take a lot of time to level. Every time you stop to skin a mob you lose time that could have been spent leveling or doing something more productive. If you’re primarily skinning in order to get leather for leatherworking you may want to just go ahead and buy the leather instead.

For power leveling your skinning following this guide you won’t need to crack open your piggy bank and buy loads of materials from the Auction House. Instead you get to run around for hours right clicking mobs and then selling the loot on the AH. Right clicking (skinning) mobs you say??!! Yes, isn’t that your favorite thing to do? There isn’t much more to say than to just guide you through the best zones to run through and grab the skinning skill you want. You probably don’t even need the guide, you can probably just remember where you saw beasts during a particular level span and increase your skinning skill that way without even using a guide.

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WOTLK Herbalism Guide 1-450

Tips for leveling Herbalism

Zone Levels
If you’re stuck leveling your Herbalism. Consider your Herbalism level, pretend it’s 240/300. Divide it by 5: level 48. Subtract about 5 levels and head to a zone of that level (Tanaris/Feralas is good for levels 40-45) and you should have decent luck leveling your Herbalism there, or just use this guide’s maps.

Find Herbs
Use your ‘Find Herbs’ tool while leveling, do this by left clicking on the icon connected to your minimap and going down to ‘Find Herbs’:

Find Herb

Find Herbs
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Wrath of the Lich King Mining Guide 1-450

Mining is used for Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting, and Engineering…this means that the Auction House is usually LOADED with ALL the Mining supplies you’d ever need for leveling.

This mining leveling guide was last updated for patch 3.3.

It is highly advised that if you get stuck on a mining route in this guide, have problems finding nodes due to overcrowding of zones, or want to be lazy, you should smelt as much as you can for parts of this mining leveling guide.

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